How do you feel after you’ve just completed a tough full body workout? Chances are, your senses are heightened, your mood is up, and your energy level is through the roof. You feel like you could conquer the world! That’s a feeling you should be looking forward to regularly, whether it’s three times a week at Curves ladies only gym or every other day walking in your neighborhood.
Exercise provides natural stress relief, but when we take it too far, exercise can actually contribute to stress and burnout.
Now that summer days have faded into memories and you're not spending as many hours outdoors, it’s as good a time as ever to adopt a new exercise routine and healthy eating plan.
Did you know that MyCurves On Demand replicates the moves from the Curves circuit using a resistance band? The Glute Kick is incorporated into the at-home workouts and focuses on the same muscles as the Glute machine like the glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, and iliopsoas!
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